Fill in the Blanks:
1. Delhi became an important city in the 12th century under the _______ Rajputs.
2. The _______ dynasty was responsible for defeating the Tomaras and further establishing Delhi’s significance.
3. The ‘circle of _______’ emphasized the interdependence between the king, soldiers, and peasants.
4. Raziyya Sultan faced opposition during her reign because of her _______.
5. Under the Khaljis and Tughluqs, governors appointed to territories were known as _______.
6. The Delhi Sultans collected revenue through a tax on cultivation known as _______.
7. To handle the Mongol threat, the Delhi Sultans maintained large _______ armies.
8. Minhaj-us-Siraj believed that women should be _______ to men and questioned their ability to rule.
9. Sultan Muhammad Tughluq shocked the elites by appointing individuals of _______ birth to high positions.
10. The _______ tax was imposed on non-Muslims under the protection of the Delhi Sultanate.
11. The decline of the Delhi Sultanate was marked by the rise of independent regional powers in areas like _______ and Gujarat.
12. Sher Shah Suri’s administrative reforms were later adopted by the Mughal emperor _______.
13. The _______ dynasty was the first major ruling dynasty of Delhi, followed by the Chauhans.
14. The chroniclers during the Sultanate period believed in a social order based on _______ and gender distinctions.
15. The Sultanate faced challenges in controlling regions like _______ and South India, which often remained outside their direct control.
1. Tomara
2. Chauhan
3. justice
4. gender
5. iqtadars
6. kharaj
7. standing
8. subordinate
9. humble
10. jizyah
11. Bengal
12. Akbar
13. Tomara
14. birthright
15. Bengal
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