class 6, History
1. People lived together in tribes called as Janas
2. Each tribe had a leader/ ruler called as Rajan
3. As the population increased group of tribes constituted a village called Grama
4. Gramas became large territories called as Janapadas
5. In later Vedic period, powerful men declared themselves as Rajans of Janapadas
6. Some sites of this period are Purana Qila in Delhi, Hastinapur near Meerut ( Uttar Pradesh)
7. People lived in huts , Farming and domestication of animals are important occupation. Number of Earthen pots are discovered.
8. To prove their supremacy, Rajans performed the Ashvamedha Yagna/ Horse sacrifice
9. Write a short note on Varna system?
· Varna means caste. A division of society based on occupation.
· Brahmins and Kshatriyas enjoyed power and status and they exploited Vaishyas and Shudras
· Varna system ( Caste) was hereditary, and they treated the inferior people as slaves
10. Write a short note on Mahajanapadas?
· Janapadas became bigger and more powerful and evolved as Mahajanapadas
· Most of the Mahajanapadas was located in Gangetic plains
· Mahajanapadas had capital cities and were fortified
· Forts were built to safeguard the kingdom from attacks
· Across the Indo gangetic plains, there were sixteen Mahajanapadas described in Vedas/ other literature
· Mahajanapadas were ruled by Monarchs, and they maintained armies and employed people to different task as officials.
· Cities that gained importance because of trade routes are Tamralipti , Shravasti, Bhrigukachchha
11. What were the major developments during this Vedic period?
· Usage of Iron
· Paddy transplantation
· Imposition of taxes
· Growth of trade and urban settlements
· Growth of New skills and crafts led to emergence of New religion and ideas
· Developments in crafts and agriculture led to the emergence of trade towns
12. People started using Iron plough for farming
13. Farmers cultivated the better crops, by directly planting saplings
14. Describe the Tax system followed during the Vedic period?
· Rulers paid the salaries to soldiers and officials by the tax collected from rulers
· Taxes were used to pay soldiers, to built forts and carry out public welfare jobs, development of army
· Main tax are from agricultural products
· Herders pay tax in the form of animals and animal products
· Craftsmen pay tax in the form of labours
· Other types of craft developed are Pottery, Carpenters, Blacksmith, Weaving
15. Mahajanapadas were ruled by Monarchies that is by King/ Rajans and the throne was hereditary
16. Republics existed term known as Ganga- Sangha. Ganga means Equal and Sanga means Governance
17. In this system, rulers are elected and this is not hereditary
18. Ganga sangha spread out on foot hills of the Himalayas’
19. They generally consist of single clan, such as Shakyas, Koliyas, Mallas
20. Famous Ganga-sangha was Lichchavi clan with its capital at Vaishali
21. Mahavira founder of Jainism belong to Lichchavi clan
22. Gautam Buddha founder of Buddhism belonged to Shakya clan of Kapilavastu
23. We came to know about Mahajanapadas through Jataka tales, Bhrahmanas, Upanishads, Mahabharata, Ramayana
· Strongest Mahajanapadas of India is Magadha
· Powerful rulers of Mahajanapadas are Bhimbisara, Aiyatashatro
· Magadha had rich Iron deposit, using tools and implements are made.
· Land is vey fertile due to the river Ganga and river Son
· Rivers acted as natural barriers and helped in the transportation of goods
· Dense forest of Magadha help in providing wood for building houses
· First capital of Magadha is Rajagriha, later Pataliputra became the capital
Some of the greatest empires such as Gupta dynasty, Mauryan dynasty arised. Religions such as Buddhism and Jainism flourished.
Cbse class 6 Social Studies
- Earth in the Solar system
- Globe – latitudes and longitudes
- Motions of Earth
- Understanding Maps
- Major Domains of Earth
- Major Landforms of Earth
- Our Country – India
- India Climate, Vegetation and Wildlife
- Discovering the Past
- Hunters and Gatherers
- The Agriculturist – Neolithic age
- Advent of Urbanisation
- Vedic Period
- New Ideas and New Religion
- Janapadas and New Kingdom
- Mauryan Empire
- Gupta period
- Contact with other parts of the world
- Culture and Scientific World