class 6, Geography
1.What is a Globe?
- The word “GLOBE” in latin means sphere.
- Globe is the 3-dimensional representation of the earth.
- BLUE colour in globe represents WATER BODIES.
- GREEN colour in globe represents LAND MASSES.
2.What is the shape of Earth?
Earth is not exactly sphere or round.It is little pressed at the two poles and bulged in the middle.
3. Why do we need Globe?
Globe is the exact three dimensional representation of Earth.It clearly shows the location of continents and oceans and seas on smaller scale.
4. What are the advantages of Globe?
- Globe shows the exact shape of the Earth.
- Globe shows the north pole and south pole exactly.
- Globe shows the location of continents and oceans on Earth`s surface.
5.What are the disadvantages of Globe?
- Globe is large and bulky.
- Globe is not easy to carry.
- Globe does not show all the places in great detail.
- Globe do not show the entire Earth at a single glance.
Early explorers and navigators used STARS to move from one place to another. First Globe in the world is ERDAPFEL.In german it means “Earth Apple”
It is the first terrestrial globe produced by Martin Behalm from1490-1492.
World`s largest revolving and rotating globe was “EARTHA” designed and build by DELORME in Yarmouth Main in USA(1998). It is 41.5 feet in diameter
and rotates exactly as the Earth.
Continents and Oceans
1.What are Continents?
- Large land masses on Earth are called as Continents. There are
- seven continents in the World. They are
- Asia,Africa,Australia,Europe,North
- America and South America.
- Largest Continent in the world is ASIA.
- Smallest Continent in the World is AUSTRALIA.
- India is the 7th Largest country in the world and is located in Asia continent
2.What are Oceans?
Large water bodies surrounding Continents are called as Ocean
There are 5 oceans in the World, They are Pacific Ocean,Arctic Ocean,Atlantic Ocean,Indian Ocean,Southern Ocean (Antarctic Ocean)
- Largest and Deepest ocean is PACIFIC OCEAN
- Smallest Ocean is ARCTIC OCEAN
Millions of years ago, all continents formed a single super Continent PANGAEA, later they split up and drifted to form various Continents.
Before knowing about latitudes, we need to know about EQUATOR.
- Equator: Imaginary horizontal line that passes through middle
- of earth is called Equator.
- Latitudes are imaginary horizontal lines running parallel
- to the Equator around the globe from east to west and
- west to east.
- Latitude derived from the Latin word “Latitudo” which
- means breadth, width, extend, size.
- Latitudes are also called as “Parallels” because they
- are running parallel to Equator.
- Latitudes lines form a full circle they are longer in middle and they shrink when they reach poles.
- The longest Latitude is 0 degree Equator. It divides the earth into Northern and Southern hemisphere.
- There are 90 latitudes in Northern hemisphere and 90 latitudes in Southern hemisphere 1 in Equator so there are total 181 lines of latitudes.
- Latitudes are measured in degrees, minutes, seconds.
Some important Latitudes are marked using Equator as center | Latitudes | Degrees |
1. | North pole | 90 degree N |
2. | Arctic circle | 62 1/2 degree N |
3. | Tropic of cancer | 231/2 degree N |
4. | Equator | 0 degree |
5. | Tropic of Capricorn | 23 1/2 degree S |
6. | Antarctic circle | 62 1/2 degree S |
7. | South pole | 90 degree S |
- Northern hemisphere regions that is North pole, Arctic circle, Tropic of cancer are donated by ‘N’ or ‘+’ symbol.
- Southern hemisphere regions that is South pole, Antarctic circle, Tropic Capricorn donated by ‘S’ or (-) symbol
How latitudes affect the climatic condition?
Based on the amount of receiving sunlight, the Latitude regions are divided into three major zones Torrid zone,Temperate zone and Frigid zone. | Torrid Zone | Temperate Zone | Frigid Zone |
1. | The regions between Tropic of Cancer, Equator and Tropic of Capricorn is called Torrid Zone. | The region between Tropic of Cancer and Arctic Circle in Northern Hemisphere and the region between Tropic of Capricorn and Antarctic Circle in Southern Hemisphere is called Temperate Zone. | The region above Arctic Circle in Northern Hemisphere and the region below Antarctic Circle in Southern Hemisphere is called Frigid Zone. |
2. | Torrid zone receive direct sun rays and they are hottest regions of earth. | Temperate regions receive moderate amount of sunlight. | Frigid Zone receive very less amount of sunlight. |
3. | Some countries in Torrid Zone are India,Bangladesh, Thailand,Burma, Vietnam,Srilanka etc. | Some countries in Temperate Zone are North America, Europe,South America, Northern Asia etc. | Some countries in Frigid zone Alaska, Sweden, Finland,Greenland etc. |
1. Longitudes are Imaginary vertical line that run through middle of the Earth from North to South and South to North.
2. Longitude is derived from Latin Word “Longus” which means Long.
3. The longest Longitude is “Prime Meridian” which separates the Earth into Eastern and Western Hemisphere.
4. Longtitudes are also called as “Meridian”, because they are running vertical to the Prime Meridian.
5. Lines of Longitude form semicircle around the Globe.
6. There are total of 360 longitudes.
7. Longtitudes are measured in Degrees,Minutes and Seconds.
8. Longtitudes are used to determine the Time Zones.
1. What is GMT?
Greenwich Mean Time.The zero degree longitude Prime Meridian it passes through Greenwich near London in United Kingdom.It is used as a base to calculate the Time Zone around the world.
2. Any place around the World can be chosen as zero degree Prime Meridian but why Greenwich was chosen?
Based on Royal Observatory Sir.George Airy 1851 proposed Prime Meridian in Greenwich. In 1884, Greenwich was voted as Prime Candidate by Elite group of Astronomers in International Meridian Conference.
3. What is IST?
Indian Standard Time. The 82.5 degree longitude that passes through Mirzapur near Allahabad in Uttar pradesh is chosen as IST. It is used to calculate the Local time for India and Sri Lanka.Indian Standard Time is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of GMT.
4.What are Time Zones?
During Earth’s Rotation one half of Earth receives the Sunlight,while the other portion is dark. So there will be confusion whether it is a.m or p.m, to avoid this Scientists proposed the Time Zone concept.
5. Who first proposed the concept of Time Zones?
Sir. Stanford Fleming in 1878 proposed the Time Zone.
6. How Time Zones are calculated?
Time Zones are calculated according to Earth’s rotation with respect to Sun.The Earth take 360 degree in 24 hours. So for one hour Earth moves by 15 degree. (360/24 =15 degree) So Scientist divided the Earth into 24 time zones. For each zone time is calculated accordingly.
7. What are the factors responsible for change in Time Zone?
- Sunlight = Due to Earth’s rotation one part of the Earth receives sunlight while the other half is dark. This determines the Day and Night,which is one of the major factor responsible for change in Time in each zones.
- Longitudes = Each Country is located in different Longitude regions,this determine change in Time for each zones. Ex: When it is Day in INDIA it is Night in United States.
- For Ex: In India there is one time zone.It is 82.5 degree Longitude that passes through Mirzapur near Allahabad .
- France has got 12 Time Zone.( This means more longitudes passes through France since it has more territories)
- United States and Russia have 11 Time Zones.
8. How are we calculating Date and Time using Latitudes and Longitude?
- International Date is Calculated using Imaginary Arbitary line that run from North pole to South Pole.It is approximately 180 degree Longitude passing through Mid Pacific Ocean.
- This Imaginary Line is drawn through the Sea,to avoid the Date Confusion. When we cross this line the Date and Day changes.
- For Ex: India is located in the Eastern Hemisphere.So when we travel West, the Date and Day increases by one.
9. What are Global Grids?
Global grids is the network formed by the intersecting lines of Latitudes and Longtitudes. Global grids enable to locate a place quickly. Ex: Google Maps.
Do you know
Father of Geography is “ERATOSTHENES” in third century (BC)itself proposed the concept of Latitudes and Longitudes for a map to the world.
Do you know how Google maps work?
- Google map uses Latitudes and Longitudes for exact location of places Google map uses coordinates which are nothing but Latitudes and
- Longitude numbers written in Degree, Minutes and Second.
- These coordinates are unique for each and every location, by using this Google map helps us to reach any destinations.
- Ex: Chennai location is 13.0827 degree N and 80.2707 degree E (coordinates) In DMS (Degree Minute and second) for Latitude is 13 degree 4′ 2.7804” N In DMS (Degree, Minute and Second) for Longitude is 80 degree 14′ 15.4212”E
S.No | Latitudes | Longitude |
1. | Latitude is derived from Latin word “Latitudo” which means breath,width extend and size. | Longitude is derived from Latin word “Longus” which means long. |
2. | Latitudes are imaginary horizontal lines runs from East to West and from West to East. | Longitudes are imaginary vertical lines run from North to South and from South to North. |
3. | Latitudes are also called as “Parallels” | Longitudes are also called as“Meridians” |
4. | The longest Latitude is Zero degree Equator. | The longest Longitude is zero degree Prime Meridian. |
5. | Latitude separates Earth into Northern and Southern Hemisphere. | Longitude separates Earth into Eastern and Western Hemisphere. |
6. | Latitude Lines form Full Circle. | Longitude line forms Semi Circle. |
7. | Total Latitude lines are 181 | Total Longitude lines are 360 |
8. | Latitude affect the climatic change | Longitude used to determine the Time Zones |
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