Grade 6, Social Studies
1. What is Government?
- A Government is an institution that makes political decision to rule the country
- Government decides how a country, State, Village should be governed
2, Why do we need Government?
- To maintain Law and Order
- To ensure Co-operation among people
- To make collective decision for the welfare of the country
3. What are the Functions of the Government?
- Government maintains law and Order through Courts. Courts are part of the government
- Government Provide basic facilities such as Education, Healthcare, Transport, Electricity etc.
- Government builds Bridges, School, Hospitals, Postal, Railway service for welfare of the people
- Government ensures that all citizens get enough food to eat.
- Government protects the boundaries of country and maintain peaceful relationship
- Government takes relief measures in case of Natural calamities and help people
- Government collects tax and revenue from people and resolves interstate problems
4. What are the Organs of Government? Why do we need them?
- For proper and smooth functioning of Government , it is divided into various organs
- Each organ act independently
5. Functions of Legislative:
- In India, Legislative is “Parliament”. Parliament derived from French word “Parle” means “to speak”
- Legislative makes laws for country and can bring changes in existing law.
- Laws are made by elected representatives they are leaders elected by people of India
- Since India is a Democratic country, people representatives are so powerful
6. Functions of Executive:
- Functions of executive is to implement the laws made by legislative
- Executive consist of Ministers and department through which administration is carried out.
7. Functions of Judiciary:
- Courts come under Judiciary
- This organ implements the law and punishment are given through them
- This organ ensures that, Justice is maintained.