What is Garbage?
· Garbage means all the used or unusable substances which cannot be reused in the same form.
· Garbage includes household waste, mainly spoilt food, vegetable peels, leaves, wood, grass, paper, leather, cow cattle dung, rubber etc.
Define landfill?
· The amount of Garbage collected is so huge and disposing it is a greater problem.
· Burning of garbage leads to the release of smoke and poisonous fumes into the environment.
· Garbage cannot be thrown into water, it causes water pollution
· Usually, city garbage is disposed in the low lying open area called as landfill.
· The garbage that cannot be reused is spread over the landfill and covered with soil.
· When the landfill is completely full, it is converted into park/ playground.
· Ex: Indraprastha park in New Delhi.
What are the two types of waste?
The two types of waste are Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable waste
Difference between the Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable waste?
Biodegradable waste | Non-Biodegradable waste |
The waste that will decay and mix with the soil is called as Biodegradable waste | The waste that will not decay and do not mix with the soil is called as Non-Biodegradable waste |
Ex: Food waste, Bones, Flowers, Leaves, Paper, etc. | Ex: Plastics, Metals, Glass items etc. |
Ex: Food waste, Bones, Flowers, Leaves, Paper, etc, Ex: Plastics, Metals, Glass items etc.
What is reuse and recycle? How they are eco-friendly?
· Reuse whatever items that can be used again.
· Recycling involves collecting waste materials and processing them to make new products.
· Both reuse and recycle reduce the amount of waste thrown into environment
What is segregation of waste?
· Segregation means separation of waste.
· Separating the biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste is known as segregation of waste.
· This segregation can be done in our homes itself by having two types of bin one for bio degradable and another for non-bio degradable.
How to recycle the biodegradable waste?
· Biodegradable wastes are recycled by the process of composting.
· This is one of the oldest forms of disposal.
· It is the natural process that recycles the nutrients in the waste to yield manure/ Compost
· The manure obtained is rich source of nutrients and is excellent source for growth of plants.
· Composting reduces the amount of disposable garbage.
What is Vermi composting?
It is another method of composting where compost is made with the help of earthworms called redworms
How paper can be reused and recycled?
· Paper is made from wood
· Since trees are cut down in large number to make paper we need to reuse and recycle the paper.
· Paper can be reused by using them to cover the schoolbooks, used as shelf liners.
· Paper can be recycled by making them as paper bags.
· Paper can be reused by making handmade paper.
How recycling of non-biodegradable waste can be done?
· Recycle of Non-Biodegradable waste involves the collection used and used and discarded materials, processing them to make new products.
· Waste collector takes these items to factories, where cans and broken bottles are melted to make new products.
Why plastic raise a serious environmental issue?
· Plastics have become a serious environmental, because of their widespread usage.
· Careless disposal of Plastics causes the blocks in drains, block the soil and hinders the absorption of water by soil.
· Animals eat the leftover food packed in plastic bags, along with the plastic bags. It causes choke and kill them
· Plastic bags can contaminate foodstuffs because of the poisonous dyes getting absorbed into food.
· When plastics are burned, they give out harmful gases that cause pollution, health problems, even cancer too.
· There are many recycling enterprises arised. Through rag pickers, waste collectors, waste dealers, 60-80% of plastic bag generated are recycled.
· Some Municipal areas have banned the use of plastics. In entire district of Ladakh, local authorities imposed ban of plastics in 1998.
What are the advantages of recycling?
· Recycling leads to reduced consumption of raw material.
· Recycling make surroundings cleaner and healthier
· Recycling saves landfill space utilized for garbage disposal.
· Recycling reduces the amount of energy required to manufacture new products.
· Recycling reduces environmental impacts arising from waste treatment and disposal.
· Recycling saves money.
What can we do to reduce the waste?
· Whenever you go out, carry your own bags.
· Reduce the use of paper bags.
· Reuse plastic bottle of soft drinks to keep small plants.
· Segregate the waste in your home by keeping two bins. One for bio degradable and another for non biodegradable
· Make compost in your own garden by putting all the bio degradable waste in a pit
· Mainly in Outdoors, use dustbins for throwing the waste.
Four R’s for managing waste:
· Reuse things that increases the garbage
· Reduce the garbage by consuming less and disposing more
· Reuse whenever possible
· Recycle
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