Class 6 Fibre to Fabric
Why do we need clothes?
We wear clothes mainly
- To protect our body against strong weather such as extreme heat, rain, cold.
- To protect us from insects.
- To make us to look smart.
Why people wear different kind of clothes ?
- People in different regions of the world wear different kind of clothes.
- People wear different clothes depending on the climatic regions of their country
- People living in various countries have their own traditional dress
Write a short note about the history of clothing?
- Clothing was invented between 50,000 and 1,00, 000 years ago.
- Earlier people used to cover their bodies with animal Skins in cold regions and with bark, leaves, grass in warmer regions.
- Stitching needles were discovered in Russia around 30,000 years ago.
- Stitching needles earlier used was made up of bones and ivory.
- After discovery of needle, people learnt the art of stitching and weaving and made fitted clothes.
What is Fibre?
- Clothes are made up of thin thread like strands called as fibre.
- Yarns are made up of fibres.
How Fabrics are made ?
- Knitting and weaving are the two main process. for fabric making.
- There are two types of fibre. Natural and synthetic fibre.
What are Natural fibres ?
· Natural fibres are obtained from either plants. or animals.
· Ex: for Plant fibre — Cotton, Jute
· Ex: for Animal fibre — Wool, Silk.
· Fur and Leather are the fabrics obtained directly from the skin of animals
What are Synthetic fibre?
Synthetic fibres are made from petroleum or plastic.
Ex: Nylon, Rayon, polyester.
Synthetic materials are generally mixed with with cotton/ wool.
What is Cotton?
- Cotton is a soft fibre grows in seeds cotton of plant.
- The fruit of cotton plant is called as Cotton ball.
- Cotton grows well in Black clayey and Alluvial soil
- They require moderate rainfall.
- Black soil is found in western and Southern India
- Alluvial soil is found in North India.
- Cotton seeds are sown in May & September and harvested in October Rainy season.
What is Combing?
Traditional method of removing cotton fibres from seeds is combing. It is done by hand.
What is Ginning?
The process of separation of cotton fibres from seeds using machine is called as Ginning. Gin means Engine
What is Yarn?
- Fibres are drawn and twisted together to make yarn.
- Twisting of your then fibres into yarn increases the strength and cohesion of fibres.
What is Spinning?
- Spinning is the process of making yarn from fibres.
- Traditional hand Spinning done by hand is Takli.
- Spinning wheels used by Gandhiji is charkha.
- Bales are compressed cotton of ~200 kg.
What is Weaving ?
Weaving is process of making fabric by using. two set of yarns arranged together.
How weaving is done?
- Weaving is done using looms.
- Hand operated looms are handloom.
- Power operated looms are Power looms.
- yarn placed lengthwise in looms is Warp.
- Yarn which moves crosswise through warp is Weft.
What are advantages of cotton cloth?
- Cotton cloth absorbs sweat, they have air spaces to breathe.
- Cotton clothes control moisture.
- They are comfortable to wear.
- Cotton clothes are hypoallergenic (do not cause allergies on skin)
- Cotton clothes are Versatile.
What are the major steps involved in the manufacture of cotton ?
- Handpicking
- Ginning
- Bailing
- Cleaning
- Spinning
- Weaving
- Bleaching
- Dyeing
What are the conditions required for the cotton plant to grow?
- Cotton grows in black / alluvial soil.
- They require hot and humid climate.
- Temperature not less than 25°C, rainfall 80–100 cm are required for the growth of cotton plants
- They have long growing period. They require 210 frost free days to grow.
From Where wool is obtained ?
Wool is a fibre obtained from fleece of goat, sheep, yak etc.
What is Shearing ?
Shearing is the special process of removal of Sheep wool from sheep using special clipper.
Write a short note on Wool fibre ?
- Woollen fibres are woven /Knitted into woollen clothes.
- The process in which single yarn is used to make fabric is known as Knitting.
- Two sets of yarn are used in weaving process
What are the advantages of Wool and producers of wool?
- Wool retain air, makes our body warm.
- Wool is used for Carpeting, felt, upholstery.
- Leading producer of wool is Australia, next is New Zealand and China.
- India is also one of the top 10 wool producer in the world.
Write a short note about Silkworm ?
- Silk is obtained from cocoon of the Silkworm.
- Silkworm feeds on Mulberry leaves.
- Silkworm spin a continuous thread of up to 800 m long to make cocoon.
How Silk is obtained from Silkworm?
- Cocoon is boiled in hot water, silkworm dies in this process and then silk fibre is obtained.
- Animal rights activist are against this process.
What is Sericulture ?
Rearing of Silkworm for silk production is called as sericulture.
Why Silk is highly prized ?
- Silk is highly prized due to it’s shimmering appearance.
- Shimmering means very soft, shining, lustrous.
When was Silk first developed ?
- Silk was first developed in China (5000–8000 years ago).
- Silk trade route was between Europe and Asia.
- It is between China, India, Middle East, Europe, Asia.
How is Coir obtained ?
- Coir is coarse fibre from outer shell of coconut.
- Coir is a natural fibre that is resistant to salt water.
What are advantages of Coir?
- Coir is used to make doormats, brushes, Sack, ropes, mattress.
- Kerala contributes 60% of coir Supply in the world.
Write short note on Silk Cotton ?
- Silk cotton is a plant fibre obtained from seeds of Kapok.
- Kapok trees are grown in India and Malaysia.
- Silk cotton are used to stuffing cushion mattress, Sound insulation.
- Kapok seed oil is used in food and soap manufacture
How is Jute obtained ?
- Jute is obtained from Putson, stem of the Jute plant
- Jute is the cheapest natural fibre.
- Jute is called as Golden fibre.
What are Properties of Jute ?
- Jute is biodegradable.
- Due to its durability and strength, Jute is used as a strong packing material.
What are the conditions required for growth of Jute plant ?
- Jute grows in alluvial soil.
- Jute requires warm and humid climate
- Jute requires plenty of rainfall.
- Jute is sown in the month of of February and May, harvested in rainy season.
Who is the major producer of Jute ?
- India is the largest producer of Jute in the world.
- Jute is grown in Assam, Bihar, Ganges delta, Sundarbans delta in west Bengal.
What are the methods involved in Jute preparation ?
- Jute plants are cut during flowering stage.
- After harvesting Jute stalks are tied and soaked in water for 20 days.
- Process of getting soft juice fibres from Jute plant is called as Retting.
What are the uses of Jute ?
Jute are used to make sack, coarse cloth, curtains, carpets, chair covering, Hessian
What are Synthetic fibres ?
- Nylon and polyester are synthetic fibres.
- Source of synthetic fibre Petroleum
- Spinneret is the device used to make synthetic fibre.
What are the properties of Synthetic fibres?
- Synthetic fibres fabric does not breathe. Synthetic fabric do not absorb sweat due to less air space.
- Synthetic fabric dries easily.
- Synthetic fabric does not wrinkle easily.
- These are not suitable for summer.
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